“There are three philosophies that
I believe are
the key to achieving lifelong weight loss.”

#1. Focus on getting healthy to lose weight rather than losing weight to get healthy.

For years I believed that if I could only lose weight, I would be a fit, healthy woman who felt comfortable in her own body. It wasn’t until I discovered holistic health and switched my focus to becoming the healthiest version of myself now, that my weight started to go down consistently.

#2. Everyone is an individual.

There is no one size diet that fits all. What works for one person, may not work for someone else. Finding the right diet for you is the key to enjoying a healthy lifestyle with great energy levels and sustainable weight loss.

#3. Learn to love the weight loss journey.

The journey doesn’t end when you reach your ideal body weight. The sooner you accept this fact, the more peace you’ll feel on the journey to get there. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to create a healthy lifestyle you can enjoy now and sustain long term.

Hey! I’m Emily

So how did I discover these and get to where I am today?

Well, I’ve been overweight for as long as I can remember. I constantly struggled to stick to mainstream diets and grew up always trying to lose weight with very little success.

At 32 years old, I was unhappy and felt like I was still waiting for my life to begin. I made the bold decision to take unpaid leave from my dream job in television. After packing up my life, I moved to Wanaka, New Zealand to focus on my health and losing weight.

Here, my life changed forever as I started what I like to call my Healthy Lifestyle Journey.

As I walked and cycled daily to build up my fitness, I began listening to podcasts on health and wellness. I’d never enjoyed exercising before but the beautiful scenery in Central Otago made me want to be outside and keep being active.

Each new podcast inspired me to make small changes, which have now become regular habits in my daily life. I learnt about holistic health and slowly changed my entire lifestyle. This is when I started to focus on becoming healthy to lose weight instead of losing weight to become healthy.

By eating nourishing, real food and making lifestyle modifications, I lost 30kg over two years, which is halfway to my initial weight loss goal.

This led me to realise that creating new habits and making lifestyle adjustments that suit the individual is the best way to achieve lasting weight loss. I became passionate about wanting to share this information with other women who were struggling like I did. I wanted them to know there was another way to lose weight rather than by just eating less and exercising more as endorsed by the mainstream health and weight loss industry.

My next step was to study Nutrition at a holistic college in Auckland where I worked with my first clients. This exciting time confirmed my passion for helping women improve their health and lose weight sustainably by using diet and lifestyle modifications.

Now I’m a Clinical Nutritionist and Weight Loss Coach based in sunny Foxton Beach, New Zealand. I specialise in supporting women in their weight loss journeys as I continue on mine.

My own journey has required me to continue to learn and expand my knowledge in how to lose weight long term. After being stuck in a weight loss plateau, it became evident that not only is your diet and lifestyle important, but so is your weight loss mindset.

Learning how to overcome the emotional struggle of weight loss has allowed me to stop overeating and no longer rely on willpower alone. I can now manage my thoughts and am working on learning to love weight loss journey.

So, if you’ve tried everything to lose weight and almost given up, trust me, I know how you feel. The weight loss tools I use have changed my life and they can change yours too.

Are you ready to lose weight for the last time?

I’m looking forward to sharing the Healthy Lifestyle Journey with you.

Emily Gifford, Dip. Nutrition
Wellpark College of Natural Therapies

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